Winslow Chamber of Commerce Membership Application
Yearly Fee Schedule
Please choose the membership level that best applies to your business.
Owner & one employee | $60 |
Owner & 2-5 employees | $115 |
Owner & 6-9 employees | $165 |
Owner & 10-20 employees | $225 |
Owner & over 20 employees | $435 |
Non-Profit Organizations: $60
Individual Memberships*: $40
All memberships are subject to a one-time set-up fee of $30 paid in addition to your first-year membership dues.
*Individual members do not receive all the benefits as Business members. For example, individual members can not promote any business or its functions through the Chamber of Commerce / Visitor Center. If they own or are associated with a business or organization, their employees may not attend Chamber functions under their membership.
If multiple businesses are owned, the largest business pays the normal fee. Additional businesses are charged 1/2 of the normal fee.